Shirts with some of my pictures on them by We Are Signs Project
If you want to buy one, you can go to this website
If you want to buy one, you can go to this website
Printed at the Montford Press.
Did this at the Village Sushi Restaurant in the U-District. can’t post it- but my cartoon is inside. According to some people, it’s the opposite of not funny.
Sadly, these could not be painted because of the lame manila folder-type paper that is in the hardcover molsekin. My sweetheart Amanda did a wonderful job of projecting the 3D versions of Creature from the Black Lagoon and It Came … Continue reading
Printed on the back of an envelope.
I cut my finger while doing the porpoise and now its wrapped in a towel.Porcopiscus is mideval latin for “Pigfish”Done under the tutelage of Carl Montford of Montford Press, West Seattle.
I would be adding more things, but I am contractually obligated not to publicly show any of the things i’m working on right now.